Top Dog Friendly Walks in Hamilton

Sometimes you want to take your bundle of fur and chaos along with you into nature and have a grand old time together. In Hamilton, we have many spots where dogs are not only allowed but warmly welcome to join you for your nature wanders.

Minoque Park

Minoque Park, located in Forest Lake, is a great spot to bring your dog for a walk. The real cool thing about this spot is all the different environments that you can walk around with your dog.

If you park in the carpark on the right of the park, you can walk with your dog on lead around a lovely pond. This walk is mostly boardwalked and the pond is home to pukeko, ducks and geese. I have also seen dabchicks, or weweia down at this pond, which is quite special. In summer, the pond is also alive with dragonflies.

Next to the pond, is a patch of kahikatea trees which you can walk through with your dog on leash. This young forest is tranquil with the sounds of tui and is lush with ferns and kakakawa plants. Beware it can get a bit muddy during winter, so bring your gumboots.

On the far left hand side, is a big open paddock. There is also a fenced in area where you can let your dogs run off leash.

This spot is one of my favoritre spots in Hamilton to bring my puppies and also a great spot to socialize your dog as many dogs frequent this park.

Days Park

Days Park sits along the Waikato River and is a popular dog park in the Hamilton area. It is a cool sight to come to this park and see it full with running happy pooches. Their is a path that goes along the river. For those dogs that are water inclined, this is a spot where they can be seen swimming and having fun. The walk goes through a big field, and dogs are allowed to run off leash here. So bring along your dog and watch them have fun, playing chase with other dogs.

Taitua Arboretum

Taitua Arboretum is around a five minute drive out of Hamilton and is a sweeping 20 hectares nature wonderland. This park features beautiful mature trees, including an impressive circle of towering Redwoods, ponds, fields, and cool installations. You can walk your dog along here on leash and is great when it is warm, as the trees keep it quite cool.

Taitua Arboretum is a great spot to have a picnic as well, so maybe pack a lunch for you and your pooch and enjoy your time at this cool Hamilton spot.

Hamilton Lake

A bird at a dog friendly walk in Hamilton

Hamilton Lake is a hub in Hamilton. Always busy, and is in the middle of the city. Home to many of our gorgous waterfowl, this spot is also a popular dog walking place in Hamilton. The curcuit around the lake takes around 4omins, and if you are taking your pooch, remember to walk in the cooler parts of the day as much of this walk is in the direct sun.

This is a cool spot to bring your dog for a walk if you enjoy bird watching, just make sure you keep some distance between the birds and your dog. As dogs are quite stressful to our feathered friends.

Hamilton Gardens

While the enclosed gardens is a dog free zone, there is a lot of spots which you can explore with your dog in this area. Take your puppy for a walk around the beautiful Rose Garden, this is especially lovely when all the roses are in bloom. From the Rose Garden, you can walk down by the river.

Walking along Turtle Pond, is also a lovely spot to take your dog for a walk. Be sure to stop in at the Hamilton Gardens Cafe for a caffiene fix. There is nothing better than hanging out with your puppy with a coffee in hand.

There is also an upper garden which you can explore with your dog. This is beautifully manicurred and is home to the old greenhouse, while not open to the public, is still cool to look at from the outside.