Best Eco Tourism Experiences in Rotorua

Rotorua is home to many wonderful eco-tourism activities. These showcase many Rotorua’s businesses close relationship with nature.

The Tiaka Promise is also something you will likely come across during your visit to Rotorua. This is a promise to respect both the land and the people while traveling.

If you are interested in doing activities that both embrace a respectful relationship with the environment and also allow visitors to get amongst nature, read on.

Redwood Treewalk

If walking along the giant redwood trees, from around 20 metres off the ground, sounds like fun, the you definitely should head to the Tree Walk in Rotorua.

Walking over suspended bridges that are slung between the trees and peering over platforms, you get to have a unique bird eye view of the forest.

This infrastructure has been built in a way that does no harm to these redwood trees, which are 118 years old. You also learn a lot about this forest as you make your way through the treewalk with interesting plaques dotted along the way.


For anyone who is interested in learning about New Zealand Birds of Prey, Wingspan is a must for your Rotorua itinerary.

Visitation is by pre booking during their open hours, which is Thursdays, Friday and Saturday. And during this visit, you get to watch a flight display where you see the NZ falcon or kārearea zoom around. You may also get to meet the kahu or Australasian Harrier, and one of New Zealand’s newest native birds, the barn owl.

Wingspan is integral in the advocatism and conservation work for our birds of prey in New Zealand. So why not give them a visit, learn about these wonderful birds and the work that Wingspan does.

Where - 1334 Paradise Valley Road, Ngongotahā, Ngongotahā Valley 3072


What better way to explore the lakes of Rotorua, then by softly kayaking along the waters surface. Kayaking is an eco friendly way to explore the lakes compared to hopping on a motor boat.

There are many companies in Rotorua that offer either guided kayak tours or allow you to hire a kayak so you can explore alone.

These include

  • Kayak Rotorua - They have the cool experience of a glow worm kayak, where you travel through a small cave and the cave ceiling will twinkle with the lights of thousands of glow worms butts

  • River Rats - They offer both kayaking and white water rafting. They have several tours available including a kayak to a secret hot pool. Where you can have a soak after the kayak.

  • Blue Lake Top 10 Camp - You can hire a kayak from the Top 10 Campground. You can kayak around the beautiful blue lake.

  • Waimarino Kayak Tours - This company has a few tours, including a starlight tour of Lake Rotoiti.

Secret Spot Hot Tub

If you enjoy being surrounded by nature as you soak in a hot pool, then the Secret Spot Hot Tub will be right up your alley. 12 wooden hot tubs, cloistered and sequestered by ferns and shrub, this spot is a great place to soak away all your aches from a day of mountain biking or hiking in Rotorua. You book the tub for an hour, which includes 15 minutes for getting in and out, and 45 minutes for soaking. There is a button at each hob tub, which you push if you wish for a drink. Kind of luxurious, don’t you think.

With a forest just over yonder, during my visit, I spent my time soaking in bliss while gazing at the magnificent trees and the fluttering moths in the light. It was magical ✨

And for those who don’t really feel like the full hot tub soak experience, you can purchase a drink from the bar, which has a range of cold and hot, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks available, and soak your feet in their shinny baths while you enjoy your drink.

Where - Mountain Bike Car Park, Waipa State Mill Road, Rotorua, NZ

Polynesian Spa

Polynesian Spa is routinely voted one of the top spas of the world. But did you also know they care about the environment? And why wouldn’t they, when their business relies on the natural environment with their hot mineral pools.

You will be happy to know that they have many green initiatives including heating via geothermal power, recycling and helping with an annual clean up of the nearby Sulphur Bay which is home to a colony of endangered birds.

Where - 1000 Hinemoa Street, Rotorua 3010

Waimangu Volcanic Valley

A thermal park that will take you close and personal with some of New Zealand’s coolest geothermal wonders, from the world’s largest hot spring, Frying Pan Crater to turquoise blue lakes and white terraces. The Waimangu Volcanic Valley is a great place to get up and close with nature’s most geothermal features.

The Waimangu Volcanic Valley is also awesome as it places a big emphasis on sustainability and protecting this fragile eco-system. It is also home to many important native flora and fauna, such as kereru, riroriro and piwakawaka.

This valley and the lake here because of its worldwide significance is protected from any future development or change rout by mankind.

Waimangu Volcanic Valley also has a number of sustainable measures in place, such as use of solar power at the visitor centre, recycling, working towards zero food waste at their cafe, and offering bus transport for their staff from Rotorua to the valley. They do a lot for the environment. To find out more, check it out here

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