The Irrelevant Guide to Rotorua.

Disclaimer: This guide is my opinion. And like how opinion often is, it may not align with your opinion. And that is okay. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. And maybe, when you are next in Rotorua, you give some of these places/things a try.

Rotorua stinks. Now before I have any Rotoruaians throwing things at me, I mean that in the most literal way possible, because metaphorically Rotorua is nothing but roses. And the reason why it smells a bit like a mix between old eggs and gym socks, is that it is New Zealand’s hotspot. Quite literally. It is situated on top of a geothermal wonderland of geysers, bubbling mud pools and hot pools. Recently I spent a weekend there, meaning I am obviously quite qualified to provide a guide on the place.

Welcome to my guide on Rotorua.

What to do in Rotorua?

Jumping for joy in Whakarewarewa Forest

Tree Hugging

Whakarewarewa Forest

Hugging trees is a favorite pastime of mine. Though you do need to be careful of pesky splinters, it is a great way to get closer to nature. And for any fellow tree huggers out there, you will be over the moon to find out that Rotorua is home to the Whakarewarewa Forest. A historical forest, which is home to the proud Californian Redwoods, as well as Japanese Cedars and European Larch. Basically, this forest is the UN but in the form of trees.

You can get up to all sorts of mischief here amongst the trees. From following one of the many walking tracks in the forest, to exploring the canopies overhead with the tree walk.

Information on the tree walk can be found here.

And the details on the different walks through this forested area can be found here:

Bird Love


Holding a New Zealand falcon at Wingspan.

Wingspan is a haven for the native New Zealand Falcon or Karearea. This is where falcons go to get better if they have been injured, and become ready for the scary outside world again. You can visit by appointment only, which makes it sound like a VIP kind of deal. But I promise, there is no bouncer with a red rope guarding the entrance. Only a knight in shining armour. You will get this reference, when you go. The appointment only deal is because it is not officially open yet to the public. During your visit, you get to watch a falcon flying show which involves interesting commentary on the birds themselves as well as maybe having the chance to hold a NZ falcon. Now, that is something for your good ole bucket list.

For the full feathery scoop on Wingspan, make sure you go to my blog post where I sing serenades about falcons. Find it here .

Peaceful Lake moments

Rotorua lake

Sunrise by Lake Rotorua

Lake Rotorua is the lake to be seen at while in Rotorua. The city itself is literally in the name of this huge water landmark. And it is just so very photogenic. Head down towards the water around sunset or sunrise, and the sky will bleed reds, pinks and yellows, while the black swans float serenely on the water’s surface. Make sure that you bring your camera down to immortalise this beauty, as well as a warm jacket as it can get quite cold by the water.

The Hot Stuff

Thermal Parks

Getting hot and steamy.

Getting hot and bothered in Rotorua is a rite of passage, so make sure you get all steamy with yourself or someone else (that was awkward…….) in one of these hot spots.

Kuirau Park: Kuirau park is a free geothermal public space located in the centre of town. It is a great place to experience the geothermal uniqueness of the area without opening your purse and without travelling too far out of town. There is also a spot where you can dip your feet in the water, which is a bonus. Just make sure that you dip them in the right pool, and not the bubbling very hot mud pools, which could melt those footies. Luckily there is plenty os signage in the area.

Polynesian Spa: This is the place to snuggle up with your partner while making gooey eyes at each other sipping on wine and eating vegan cheese (I do not know if they allow cheese….but just go with it for imagery sake.) And if you do not have a partner, fret not, because they offer great pamper packs where you can get your back rubbed, face steamed, and knuckles cracked by a professional relaxation specialist.

So wander through the steam in Rotorua. Lose sight of your friends and everyone else really while getting to know the heat of the place.

A Zorb of Fun.


I have a question for you, reader. Have you ever seen a hamster in one of those plastic ball things, and wondered what does that feel like? Then you are in luck, because Rotorua is home to the zorb. The zorb is a huge plastic sphere, which you hop into, and get rolled down a hill.

More information can be found here:

The Luge

Rotorua Skyline

If being a human hamster for a while does not tickle your adventure bone, then you can get your adrenaline surge on the luge. This involves you getting in a cart kind of deal, and going at break neck speeds down a track while trying to not crash. If you are anything like me, your knuckles will be white gripping the handle bars and you will be heavy on the brake during your trip down. As, I am a grandma when it comes to driving.


Where to forage aka Good Rotorua Eats

Rotorua has many good places to find a delicious meal. I was only here for a weekend; and my stomach can only hold a certain amount of food before I turn into a bloated disgusting mess, so I only managed to explore three food places.

Abracadabra Cafe Rotorua: This place is magic. I felt like the chefs who work here practice some dark magic to conjurer up such delicious tasty vegan food. We ordered the vegan burrito which comes out on a flaming hot stone thing that they give plenty of warning about, as I am one partial to accidentally giving myself third degree burns on hot dish-ware. We also got the mushrooms on toast, which were delicious and buttery (but without the actual butter, because vegan). But, for all those who do not partake in the diet of fruit and vegetable flesh, there are omnivore options. My sister is a carnivorous fiend, and she informed us that the bacon was worth eating. So, do not let all this vegan talk scare you away. This cafe is a must for when in Rotorua.

Artisan Cafe: On Sunday morning, we were tired and hungry and it was raining. We were all craving a hot coffee and a warm atmosphere to defrost our cold spirits, and we found it at the Artisan Cafe. Good coffee, vegan options including toast and preserves which always makes me feel like a nana whose about to whip out her knitting gear while eating it, but I do not care. As in reality I am an eighty year old woman with a slightly younger exterior. My partner ordered mushroom Ragu, which was perfect for him as he is a fungi……..I will let myself out. Terrible mushroom jokes aside, he said it was good. And he is a man of his word. There was also unvegan options here as well, including bacon.

My first option was a hash brown, and I may have cried a few salty tears when I found out that it was not vegan. Because, by god, hash browns are my spirit food and I want to eat them every day until I die. Preferably with the cause of death being at the mercy of me eating way too many hash browns.

McDonalds: I was upset about the lack of hash browns during this trip, so I went to the yellow arches of hash brown kingdom aka the local McDonalds. Solid choice for those who want something familiar.

Where to sleep aka Rotorua Accommodation

Get an Airbnb on the lake. Preferably one with a personal lakeside chair for optimal relaxation.


Airbnb is a great option during your stay in Rotorua. And no this is not sponsored, I am not sponsored by anyone haha. Just myself. I sponsor the heck out of myself. Love you. Anyway, no this is not sponsored, just my opinion. Rotorua has a lot of cool Airbnbs. The one we stayed in was right on the lake. It also was huge and I got some insight on what it feels like to be wealthy. Feels like you have a lot of space. And more bathrooms than people. Which is odd. Wonder why you need so many bathrooms.


There are hotels for all budgets. From those ballin and rollin to those penny pinching. The Rotorua accommodation scene is diverse. To fully appreciate the beauty of Rotorua, I recommend getting one close to the lake so you can wander down at sunset or sunrise.


And for those who do not mind the night being interrupted by that one person who comes in at midnight and turns on the lights in the room and wakes everyone up because they have the consideration of a beetroot, then hostels are also a thing in Rotorua. Theres one called Crash Palace, which judging by its name seems like a place to feel like your a king while sleeping in a bunkbed. Which I fully support. There is also the classic, The YHA, a tried and trusted hostel. For more options check out this long url . You are welcome.


Did someone say wildlife???Yeah, and it was me. You all know I am wildlife obsessed, so of course I will mention the Rotorua wildlife scene. There are Black Swans floating on the lake. They are skittish so give them so distance and enjoy them from afar. You may even see a few with their cygnets (baby swans). There are NZ falcons, which you can see sometimes in the wild or definitely at Wingspan. Trout are common. The rest you will have to seek; as I only really saw the above during my brief visit.


I always find that whenever I enter a place I do not know in New Zealand, I head to the local iSite. They are filled to the brim with free brochures that you can peruse, gifts to purchase commiserating the trip, including the iconic magnet needed for your passport fridge, and also humans who have local advice on anything from where to stay to whats the best local hike.

It can be found at 167 Fenton St, Rotorua 3007 and is open seven days a week, 730am-6pm.

So. What are you waiting for? It is time for you to head to Rotorua for an adventure.