What makes things worse when you are already having a shit day.

You are having one of those days. Those mean red shitty down right rotten days that make you wish you could crawl into a hole and disappear. Or the nearest sewer I guess. Have you had one of those days before? They suck. But, what makes them even more sucky is when the below things occur. And, dear reader, all of these happened to me today. When I am in the midst of one of those red shitty down right rotten days.

Trip to the Dentist

Not today of all days, I whispered, as I walked into the dental office. How was I supposed to know that the day I feel like a walking embodiment of black nail polish and Gerald Way eyeliner, I was to have this dental appointment. As I cursed past Athena, I promptly experienced an hour of having my teeth scarped, drilled, hooked, and generally experienced what I believe medieval torture victims were subjected to. Lucky me. I was this woman below; but replace the black colour with red. That being my blood.

Angry Bus Drivers

Me against said bus door.

Me against said bus door.

The bus driver shuts the bus door right in your face because suddenly you are Casper the freaking ghost. When you are already feeling invisible, this is a great validation event.

Misdirected Anger

That woman screaming at me; well. If she was a man; without a shirt. Stock images have few images of screaming women.

That woman screaming at me; well. If she was a man; without a shirt. Stock images have few images of screaming women.

A woman on the street yells at you for staring. You were not. You were staring at your shoes as you are feeling an unsettling amount of social anxiety right now and making eye contact with anyone was laughable.

When you have to talk to someone who is not an inanimate object.

Best Friend. I lie. My toaster died months ago. All I have is a unfriendly kettle.

Best Friend. I lie. My toaster died months ago. All I have is a unfriendly kettle.

Talking is hard on the best of days, but when you are feeling like you are the definition of ugly, it does not make for a good time. Tried to keep talking to the minimum by avoiding the outside world. The toaster makes for a better conservationist anyway. Had to go outside and make words anyway due to life commitments, kept it to nods, smiles, and grunts. Seemed to pass as a human.

When you break your last tie before class.

Me. But less elegant.

Me. But less elegant.

Your hair is a mop. Literally. Someone mistook it for a mop head earlier. And you just broke that last hair tie; nearly blinding that poor girl beside you. Sorry Janis. Now you move into your Downward dog looking like a breed of dog. Wonderful.

When your boobs hurt.

Your boobs hurt as you already have mad PMS and already hate life and everyone occupying said life.

That was my day. Reader. Sounds a laugh a minute I know. But, now I am in bed. Relatively safe from any more bullshit. Just myself, Netflix, and salty food. Heres to today’s mean red day. Salute.