The Peanut Butter Window

The Window where the magic happens

The Window where the magic happens

I approached the Fix and Fogg window like a lion approaches a zebra. Predatory. The peanut butter in this place was calling me and I was on the prowl. For those who do not know this about me, I am a peanut butter obsessed lass and crunchy is my strain of choice (I am convinced that people who like smooth peanut butter may be serial killers). When I heard my favourite peanut butter brand called Wellington home, I was wrapped to the back teeth let me tell you. I was ecstatic and also salivating heavily as I approached. The set up is unassuming, a simple window in a wall down a back-alley. You almost feel as if you are conducting a dodgy back alley deal. But rather than cocaine, you are trying to source your next peanut butter fix. They only ones to witness my sinking into sin was a t-rex and I think Jesus.

The T-Rex

The T-Rex



I ventured closer to the window, and suddenly a lady popped up out of nowhere. She was a magician. A peanut butter making magician. I felt as if I had just meet the Willy Wonka of the peanut butter realm. And she was about to take me on a magical, and life changing journey complete with singing orange Oompa Loompas (though I have no idea where should kept them as the window peanut butter factory was a bit small. Though I guess they are also small). She had no idea on this fate of course, but I liked to think we made a special connection as I salivated over her windowsill. The menu was a rubric cube. I could not figure out what to shove into my mouth first (I know this analogy is weak, but just go for it. My coffee high is wearing off). I ended up ordering a classic; peanut butter and jam on toast with extra crunchy peanut butter.

This went in my mouth.

This went in my mouth.

The people of Wellington most likely thought I was half mad, stumbling down their streets covered in red and brown substances with a huge smile on my face, but I was blissed out with not a care in the world. I was with my one true love; peanut butter (hope the boyfriend doesn’t read this, or I am sprung).

Fix and Fogg are also amazing humans as well as peanut butter magicians. They have a little rack thing out the front of their window, where you can leave empty peanut butter jars for them to recycle as well as donating money to the City Mission and Women’s Refuge. If David Attenborough and Jane Goodall had a baby, it would be this company.