Animals of Auckland.

This is an exciting new series that I am starting. A series where I introduce you to animals of Auckland. The feathered, slimy, and fluffy inhabitants of my fair city. Why would you want to be introduced to them you may ask. Well, the short answer is that they are awesome. The long answer is that my aim is to raise awareness of conservation through narrative. What better way to do so, then through introducing you to some of the creatures that make our environment so important. I believe that mutual respect of the environment is needed in this life. I am just one person trying to promote that.

Anyway, enough with the serious talk. Let me introduce you to our first feathered friend.

This is a red billed seagull who I meet at Western Springs Lake, Auckland. I gave him a name. I know, us humans are always trying to label things; it is what we are best at. I named him Ice, for his piercing stare.

I think Ice had many tales to tell. I just wish I spoke seagull so I could have heard them. How did he lose his foot? Was it a fishing accident? Where his foot became caught in someones fishing line? Was it eaten by a fellow bird? (Little not so fun fact, birds are often cannibals.) Or was he born missing a foot?

Ice was a little grumpy towards other seagulls. He did not play well with his fellow seagulls. Showing his dislike by screaming at them. As well as at the table.

After he stopped growling at everyone, he really was just quite inquisitive. Giving me the once over.

So, that was Ice, the red billed seagull. Next time you are at Western Springs Lake, make sure to give him a friendly hello.