A Rotorua Gem - Kerosene Creek

Kerosene Creek perhaps was once a secret spot. Its whereabouts whispered about between friends and family. The secret hot spring in the bush, where you can have a glorious soak without having to dig for your wallet and hand over your hard earned cash. It may have started as a secret spot, but it definitely is not now.

Locals and tourists alike flock here to enjoy the natural hot spring in the Rotorua native bush. The carpark has signs dotted everywhere warning that this is a high theft zone - and that does not surprise. A place where a lot of tourists park up is a perfect spot for thieves to operate.

So when you leave your car, make sure your bring your valuables with you.

Walking along a narrow downward path, bordered in by blackberry bushes that wish to tug you backwards, you make your way to Kerosene Creek. Thus named because of the oily quality to the water at some points due to volcanic material in the stream..

The creek runs softly through the forest, waterfalls are dotted along offering a soundtrack of soothing white noise of rushing water.

Walk a little further down the path and you come to a 2 metre waterfall that falls into a large hot pool. This is the perfect spot to soak, but if it is busy, the stream is so large you are sure to find your very own private spot to relax in.

Some tips for visiting Kerosene Creek, to keep both yourself and nature safe

-Do not litter. Because nothing kills a relaxing time like looking up and seeing a dirty nappy only a few metres away from you, not to mention littering is very disrespectful towards the land. 

 -Do not put your head under. You can catch amoebic meningitis by doing so. Which can be deadly. 

- Do not use soap or other hygiene products in the water. This causes harm to the ecosystem.

-Be mindful of others - this is a space that some come to relax so keep that in mind in regards to noise pollution from speakers. 

-Come early - You have a better chance of having this special space to yourself

-Bring your valuables with you and hide any so they are not visible in your car windows when leaving your car - this is a high theft area. 

-Have fun and enjoy nature.

How to get there ?

To reach Kerosene Creek, you need to leave Rotorua CBD along highway 5, go past Rainbow Mountain Scenic Reserve and turn off at Old Waiotapu Road. The road is gravel but well maintained. The carpark and a toilet is at the end of the road. Do not go past the gate, as that is private land.

Best time to visit

Winter is a great time to visit as you can warm up on a chilly day. It is also great to visit during summer if you enjoy soaking while absorbing some sun rays. But make sure to wear plenty of sunscreen. New Zealand sun is brutal. Sunrise is the best time of day to visit and midweek is the best day to visit. This is to avoid the crowds.