Hyped Attractions: #thatwanakatree

I don’t know why I went there exactly. I was like a moth to a flame I suppose. Or a sailor being called by a sea-soaked siren. But in this case, my lovely siren was a tree. A willow tree if I want to get into particulars.

I was in Wanaka, New Zealand and this tree has its own unique hashtag for goodness sakes. So, naturally I was curious. I often hear that a place or thing becomes very popular for a reason.

So, I planned a mission to visit this famed tree. I set my alarm to an ungodly hour, before the sun had even woken up, creeped out of my hostel room like a creature of the night to avoid waking my slumbering roommates, and set off on a quest. This quest being to see a tree that was more famous than most humans.

I wandered along the shore of Lake Wanaka, kicked stones aimlessly, breathed in the crisp air burning my lungs, and made my way to the tree while trying to seem cool and disinterested in all this HYPE. I failed miserably, as I was looking a little bit too eager in the face. A certain glint in the eye was definitely present.

When I arrived, I was surprised. From all the photos I have seen, I was expecting a clambering mob armed with tripods, expensive cameras, and selfie sticks. But, there was only a scattering of people on the shore.

I then turned my attention to the tree. This is what I saw.

A willow tree tilted to its side. As if it has been caught perpetually in a gust of wind. Leaves clothed its spindly body, green and golden yellow fluttered softly in the wind. A lone duck perched on its roots giving himself a morning bath. And backdropping all of this, glorious snowcapped mountains.

Sitting there I felt like one of those girls who dyed their hair balayage or wore too many bangles to stay with the trends. And this feeling of being a trend follower was heightened when I begin to snap selfies (i’m a weak woman okay). But this soon faded, once I pocketed my phone, and simply sat down on the shore and let myself be. I soaked in all the beauty that was in front of me. I even took out my journal, and spent some time writing. That time will stay with me. Those moments of simply being in nature.

Is it worth it: I think yes. I think a lot of people like to be alternative when it comes to popular destinations (I am admittedly one of these people). And they avoid them as not to be classed as one of the crowd. But, it is not exactly the trees fault it has become an icon. I think nature is always worth appreciating.

Best time to go: This is a tricky question. For photos, it is best to go either a sunset or sunrise. But this is also when it is the most popular, with photographers from all over the nation and world soaking in that perfect golden/blue hue for their gramable snaps. The best time for contemplation, to simply stare at a beautiful tree while quietly ruminating, would be any other time really. I went around 7am and it was very quiet.

Price: Free! (Nature should not be monetised in my opinion.)

How to find: From the Wanaka township, follow the shoreline left. You will eventually come to the famous willow tree. You will be able to identify it from the other willow trees, as it is in the lake rather than on the shoreline. Also, the countless people photographing it will also be a good clue you have reached your destination.

Extra: Please don’t be that person and climb the tree. We want this to be something that others can see, and if you decide to test your acrobatics on this tree, it could be damaged. There is a playground near the town centre, where you can climb to your hearts desire.

Footnote: This is a new series which I am beginning where I discuss popular attractions from the mind of a kind of hipster who hates to do organised fun/popular stuff.